Wednesday, 22 July 2020

EU priorities at the UN: European Council conclusions on industrial agriculture

Industrial agriculture increases the ‘risk of future pandemics and needs to be tackled’, according to the European Council, which calls for action to be taken on a global basis alongside other major issues including climate change and deforestation.

The full wording of the Council’s conclusions on this point, published on 13 July, and setting out the EU’s priorities for the coming year at the United Nations, are as follows.

“Deforestation, industrial agriculture, illegal wildlife trade, pollution, climate change, water scarcity, inefficient sanitation and waste management and other types of environmental degradation increase the risk of future pandemics and need to be tackled…The EU will support inclusive preparations for effective deliverables at the UN Secretary General’s Food Systems Summit in order to scale up action to continue the transformation of the current food systems to make them healthier, more resilient and environmentally sustainable.”

The Council added that the Covid-19 crisis had “sharpened the focus on the inadequacy of the global response to the climate and biodiversity emergencies… A new reality after COVID-19 should also mean a more modern, climate-neutral and circular economy that will make us less dependent on resources and boost our resilience…The fifth UN Environment Assembly provides an important opportunity to set the stage and drive ambition to foster a green recovery agenda and environmental sustainability.”

Article by Global CEO of Compassion in World Farming

The Global CEO of Compassion in World Farming, Philip Lymbery, has commented as follows.

Industrial animal agriculture, where pigs, chickens and cattle are caged, crammed or confined, provides the perfect breeding ground for new and more deadly disease. Mild strains of Avian Influenza entering an over-crowded chicken factory farm, for example, spreads very rapidly. As it goes through the flock replicating madly, differences can occur in the virus’ DNA, giving rise to new, more deadly strains. The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic originated in pig factory farms in Mexico and North America. The resulting pandemic went on to kill up to 575,000 people worldwide.

Factory farming is not only a melting pot for future pandemics; it is also a major driver of wildlife declines. And the burgeoning livestock sector worldwide already contributes 14.5 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions, which is more than the exhaust fumes from all the world’s planes, trains and cars put together.

We are entering a crucial moment in history where the future viability of our society will be defined by our response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the changes we make to a global food system which has such a bearing on future sustainability.

In this age of pandemic, climate and biodiversity emergency, there is a pressing need for a wholesale move away from unsustainable industrial farming toward a future-fit food system based on regenerative agriculture. Farming that works in harmony with nature: putting back soil health, bringing pollinators and other wildlife swarming back, conserving water, being kind to animals and protecting the future for all. To avoid the

nightmare of Covid-19 being repeated, urgent action is needed globally to move away from damaging industrial farming practices in favour of regenerative food; without factory farming and with much less dependence on resource-sapping intensive animal products.

It is hugely welcome to see the EU setting out clear priorities, including tackling industrial farming, deforestation and climate change, ahead of next year’s most crucial UN meetings; UNEA5, the Food Systems Summit, the Biodiversity Summit and the next Conference of the Parties on climate change.

The future for us all relies on moving to a more humane and sustainable regenerative food system. One that builds on a central principle learned through the pandemic: that protecting people means protecting animals too.


This marks an important step forward by the European Council, building on the EU’s Green Deal and Farm to Fork policies. And, as Philip Lymbery notes, it comes at an important time, in the run-up to several crucial UN meetings over the next year. The UN is determined to “build back better.”

Measures proposed under the Green Deal include: 40% of Common Agricultural Policy to contribute to climate action; significant reduction in use of chemical pesticides; area under organic farming to increase; circular economy including reduction of food waste; and stimulating sustainable food consumption.

The Green Deal also specifically refers to the EU building on its strengths as a global leader on climate and environmental measures.” These Conclusions are a significant step in that direction, and in making the EU a key ally of the UN in its vision and ambitions.

Sir David Madden: Vice-Chair, Compassion in World Farming; and Distinguished Friend of St Antony’s College, Oxford.

Oxford, 22 July, 2020

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